Setup Day Two!

Code, test, repeat!

Today was testing day! Yesterday we had a very productive day which allowed us to be able to start testing as soon as we could, during our time slot 🙂 .  It was time to start testing the first tasks that will be performed tomorrow: TBM1 and TBM4.

MBot happy with his performance!

Some things were still unstable in TBM4, like detecting an object in front of the robot while navigating. After some adjustments this was done successfully! The robot navigates through the three waypoints, replanning and detecting the object when needed. The biggest challenge is the following of the operator, which we are positive about.

TBM1 is a task that needs a lot of testing and training. This task consists in a person from the team to tell the robot what changed in the house (for example, to say that an object that was previously in the bedroom is now in the living room). It’s challenging since the team operator has to be very aware of all the possible locations and command that the robot should receive. We ended up having good results with our operator, Guilherme, which proved to be the most understandable by the robot.

Person detection for TBM4

After code freezing the two tasks for tomorrow, we still had some time left, which gave us the possibility of testing other tasks. We started with TBM3 (Catering for Granny Annie), in which Granny Annie has a fancy tablet where she can call the robot and give him a command. Commands include stuff like switching on/off lights in the house or get something that Granny needs. Communication with refbox done, we could send requests to the home automated devices. More difficult was to get the objects, but at least we are able to recognise some of them!

After another long day with some troubles in between, it ended up being very productive and we are ready for what is coming tomorrow!

Lets go SocRob!!

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